History and Statistics

avtor: ERP Connect Consulting LLC

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Insights and Trends for Vendors, Customers, Items, Change Logs, and Field Monitoring.

This version supports the NA Localizations only. For Additional Localizations see Additional App Listings.

Includes Free 30-Day Trial.

This application is perfect for anyone looking to gain additional insights into their Vendor, Customer, and Item data. Track trends, statistics, and analytics into your Customer, Vendor, and Item data with this application to make more educated decisions around sales and purchasing for your organization. Additionally, this enables you to more easily work with change log records across these various modules. Each module has the following functionality listed below.

Item Statistics

    • Quantity on Hand
    • Quantity Available
    • Average Lead Time
    • Days Supply
    • Average Age of Inventory
    • Sales and Purchase Trends
    • Inventory Level Trends
    • Purchase Price Trends
    • Sales Price Trends
    • List of Open Sales/Purchase Quotes
    • List of Open Sales/Purchase Orders
    • List of Open Sales/Purchase Returns
    • List of Open Jobs and Production Orders
    • Inventory by Location
    • Inventory by Bin Location
    • Inventory Aging and Valuation Chart
    • Change Logs

Vendor Statistics

    • Purchases last 12 months
    • Vendor Balance
    • Average Lead time over the last 90 days
    • Return Percentage over the last 90 days
    • On Time Delivery over the last 90 days
    • Vendor Delivery Performance
    • Inventory Levels
    • Purchases by Item Category
    • Monthly Purchases
    • AP Aging
    • Top Item Purchases
    • Vendor Items List
      • Everything you have purchased from this vendor
    • Open Purchase Orders, Quotes, and Returns
    • Change Logs

Customer Statistics

    • Sales over the last 12 months
    • Customer Balance
    • Average Pay Days
    • Average Fulfillment Days
    • On Time Delivery Percentage
    • Customer Sales by Item Category
    • Monthly Customer Sales
    • Customer AR Aging
    • Customer AR Balance History and Trends
    • Top Items Sales for last 90 days
    • Customer Map
    • Customer Items List
      • Everything they have purchased from you in the last 12 months)
    • Open Sales Orders, Quotes, and Returns
    • Open Job Planning Lines
    • Posted Invoices
    • Change Logs

Enhanced Change Logs
    • Customers
    • Vendors
    • Bank Accounts
    • Vendor Bank Accounts
    • Items
    • Sales Quotes
    • Sales Orders
    • Sales Return Orders
    • Purchase Quotes
    • Purchase Orders
    • Purchase Return Orders
    • Jobs
    • Field Monitoring

Sales Document Search
    • Globally Search your Business Central Database across all sales records types including posted and unposted documents
    • Search ability on both Header and Line data elements
    • View filtered records in a tree view with headers and lines with the ability to sort and add additional filters in your data grid
    • Drill down directly to the documents from your search results
    • Create and save views for quick reporting in the future from your favorite presets
    • Your one stop shop for finding any sales document you need

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